Cosmic Crew is a cooperative shooting/communication game with a one-of-a-kind control scheme
In this game, players must blast enemies with a revolving turret, load physical ammo cartridges, and smash repair plates with a real hammer.
Player one (the Gunner), shoots down incoming ships and communicates their colour to player 2 (the Engineer), who must not only load the correct-coloured ammo, but also repair the ship by smashing it with a hammer!
Players fight through 10 waves of unique ships, while upgrading their own with powerful new weapons and abilities.
My Work
Originally derived from a one-week game jam, I developed the concept into a full-fledged arcade experience over the course of three months.
I designed & programmed the digital game in C# Unity, and built the physical controllers using woodworking, an Arduino UNO Rev3, and a voltage ladder-adjacent system to detect player input.
see the hectic gameplay!